Heart Walk Foundation is undertaking a number of significant new projects this year, thanks to our growing base of supporters like you! The communities have submitted requests that range from improvements to existing infrastructure to exciting new entrepreneurial opportunities for the villagers. Our board has assessed each project for need and feasibility, and with your help we can fund them ALL!

Reconstruction of the Bridge into Hapu

The bridge into Hapu is the only access for delivering materials and overseeing projects in the villages of Hapu and Cochamarca. Bertha, our field representative, reports that current rains are causing the Rio Hapu river to swell. Devastating mudslides severely damaged the bridge, delaying many projects from our 2021 #GivingTuesday campaign due to inaccessibility. We have earmarked funds for the engineering and reconstruction of this essential infrastructure as soon as the river flow is at a manageable level. Improvements will begin in April.

New Building for Preschool in Yanaruma

Enrollment in the elementary school in Yanaruma has grown to fill both classrooms in the village schoolhouse, creating a need to construct a new classroom for the PRONOEI preschool/kindergarten. We approved this building project, and the villagers have dedicated land and have begun making adobes. The finishing materials will be delivered as soon as the rainy season ends.

Water Cachement for Hapu High School

The system of water cachment for drinking and washing at the high school in Hapu has deteriorated with age, and the water is no longer potable. The community is urgently asking for our help to construct a clean water source for the children to drink and wash while attending school. Since all youth in the region travel to Hapu village to attend high school, this project benefits all youth in the region.

Garbage Landfills, Compost Heaps, and Sanitation

For the first time, the Q’ero are experiencing the need for waste removal and disposal in their communities. No infrastructure for this currently exists. With your help we will assist in establishing a system of trash management for all communities as well as repair septic lines in the village of Quico.

Exciting New Economic Endeavors

Several communities have embraced sustainable projects and requested our help. A small group of 15 families in the hamlet of Raq’chi will raise ducks for food and trade. If this pilot project succeeds, we will expand the project to provide ducks for all villagers, and the Raq’chi families will train the remaining communities to successfully raise ducks.

Expansion of the Trout Project

Several other groups are initiating projects to raise fingerling trout from eggs, which could become an income stream for the remote Q’ero villages as well as a source of food protein for the locals in the years to come. Keeping the trout farms sufficiently oxygenated has proved a challenge, but as these families work out the engineering kinks, they will be able to train others in their communities as well. Our organization applauds the entrepreneurial spirit of the Q’ero people!

Technical Training for High School Graduates

There is an urgency to fund technical training for motivated high school graduates. Technical training is available in the Sacred Valley, far from the Q’ero communities. Each student will need help with housing, tuition, educational supplies, and food for approximately two years during their course of study.. We are excited and honored to support these bright young minds who will become future leaders of Q’eros.

You Can Help Build Better Futures in Q’eros

Please help us accomplish these exciting goals as we strive to make lasting improvements to the infrastructure in Q’ero communities. You can be proud of how far your donations go to uplift their lives, as we only vet projects that are sustainable and honor the Q’ero spirit. As a board, we are proud of our accomplishments, maintaining very minimal administrative costs. Our board members volunteer their time and talents toward these goals. Even when we aren’t working on projects, our thoughts and dreams are with the Q’ero. It is a labor of LOVE, and YOU make it possible!

q'ero ecomonicc developments

Thank you for bringing joy to so many children in need. We hope that seeing the smiling faces of the Q’ero children puts a big smile on your face as well.

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All proceeds support projects in Q’ero



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