The Rainy Season Ends / The School Year Begins

December through March are the rainiest months in the high Andes of Peru, and everything turns green. Q’ero families have been happily tending their grassy pastures to prepare for their cuy breeding endeavors, funded by YOUR 2023 donations.

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Cuy thrive on perennial ryegrass, a fast germinating agricultural grass with a good cold tolerance. This lasting variety is also heat and drought resistant, making it ideal for Andean conditions.

The end of this rainy season also marks the beginning of the school year. Teachers come from great distances to stay in Q’ero communities. They tackle the challenges of educating first generation learners. They also accommodate to the harsh conditions of their new location and go without basic comforts of home. For many teachers, this endears them to the Q’ero people who suffer these hardships daily. They hope to make a lasting impact on the students, knowing their time together will forever change their own lives.

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Bertha delivers classroom materials and school supplies.

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Your donations bring smiles to students in Q’ero communities.

Heart Walk Foundation is committed to helping Q’ero youth pursuing their education. We commit to providing school supplies twice a year to ease the burden to families. You can donate now to provide educational materials needed next semester in August.

Solar Showers

This year we have committed to installing solar showers at each school – the first showers in the region – to support health and hygiene for the students. The bathing pools and showers will improve the overall health of the people.

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Supporting Q’ero Culture

HWF will also sponsor Q’ero youth who enter the traditional “Inka Taki” celebration of ancestral song and dance. We are honored to support the beautiful Q’ero culture that is rooted centuries before the times of the Inkas.

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Sending you warm gratitude from all of the Q’ero youth whose lives you have affected greatly with even the smallest of donations.

Donate to give school supplies for next semester:

Make a donation here to help the Q’ero people.

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