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About Nina

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So far Nina has created 26 blog entries.

Joyful news from Q’eros

As you may remember, two years ago we raised funds to construct the fifth and final classroom for the high school serving the remote Hapu region, along with dormitories for the teachers.

2022-11-28T16:30:39+00:00October 21st, 2021|Fundraising|

Emergency Relief for Q’eros

Last week Heart Walk Foundation donated 13,000 pounds of emergency food to 200 Q’ero households who had been isolated in their remote Andean villages for almost three months under Peru’s strict quarantine due to SARS-Cov-2.

2021-05-25T04:54:52+00:00June 19th, 2020|Fundraising|

Q’eros in the Coronavirus Era

Some of our supporters are wondering how the Q’ero people are faring in this pandemic. This is what we know at this time: as of today, there are 2561 persons in Peru known to be infected with CoVid-19.

2022-11-28T16:32:15+00:00April 15th, 2020|Fundraising|

Q’ero Textiles are Cultural Narratives

Q'ero textiles are rooted in pre-Inka weaving traditions that use imagery as a form of visual language. When we look at a Q’ero weaving, we are viewing a narrative about the role of humans in the universe and the meaning of life.

2021-01-20T09:27:21+00:00March 17th, 2020|Fundraising|